Completely Ripping the Runtime out of D

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Update: a lot of this information is already outdated (good news!). See my latest update, and my second update.

Most high level languages are built as a layer on top of C. That includes out-of-the-box D, but it doesn’t have to be that way: D is a plausible candidate for a “better C”. I think this is a pretty cool idea, so I’ve been experimenting with it to see what’s possible. The dmd compiler (and very soon the ldc2 compiler) has a -betterC command line flag that’s intended to remove dependencies on the D runtime. Unfortunately, it’s still extremely rudimentary — the docs only promise it “omit[s] generating some runtime information and helper functions” — so in practice it’s hard to write non-trivial D code without getting runtime dependencies, even if you don’t need them in theory.

With a little linker hacking, it’s possible to rip these unnecessary dependencies out of compiled D code. As an example, I’ll completely remove all references to the D runtime out of some compiled D code so that it can link directly to some C, as if it were C code to begin with.

On Not Optimising for Last Century's Hardware


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Once upon a time I wrote a super-optimised algorithm for rotating data in an array. At least, it was meant to be super-optimised, but its real-world performance turned out to be terrible. That’s because my intuition about performance was stuck in the 20th century:

  1. Break a program down into basic operations like multiplication and assignment
  2. Give each operation a cost (or just slap on an O(1) if you’re lazy)
  3. Add up all the numbers
  4. Try to make the total in step #3 small

A lot of textbooks still teach this “classic” thinking, but except for some highly constrained embedded systems, it just doesn’t work that well on modern hardware.

Function Attributes and the D ABI


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The D programming language has a bunch of built-in attributes like pure and nothrow. I was wondering how things like libraries might break if function attributes changed between versions, so I gave it a try.

DConf 2016 Talks


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The DConf 2016 talk videos have been released.

Here’s my (very short) list of special recommendations. They’re worth watching even if you don’t use D.

How Dirtying Pure Functions a Little Can Be Useful

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Functional purity is a valuable concept for writing maintainable code, though outside of functional programming languages like Haskell, it’s often treated like a nice-but-expensive luxury. But it turns out that pure functions that aren’t quite so pure can be cheap while still having concrete benefits for code in non-functional languages like C++, Java and Python. For D code, this is supported by the language itself, but there’s nothing D-specific about the overall idea.

What Difference Can Order Make When Hashing?


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I saw this thread about password hashing on the D language forums. The original post had a good question that didn’t get answered at the time: if you’re hashing a bunch of things, can it make any difference (for security) what order you do it?

The answer turns out to be yes, and it’s a neat example of the difference between theoretical ideals and real-world systems. Because I think this stuff is worth knowing if you’re using cryptographic hash functions for, you know, actual crypto, I thought I’d write up a blog post about why it can matter.