Some Presentation Slides
Here are the slide decks to a couple of talks I’ve given recently.
Being Self-Employed in Australia (at JAIT)
Because this talk is based on my own experiences, it’s particularly relevant to service businesses in Australia. But if you’re interested in being your own boss, anywhere or anyhow, you could find it useful. As I said in the talk, there’s a lot of stuff that feels obvious to me now, but I ended up learning the hard way.
Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (at RORO Sydney)
Here’s a common story: Devs write an app, and do all the right things like using source control and writing automated test suites. Then it comes to deploy the code, and they have to figure out all these things like DNS and server infrastructure. They hack something together using web UIs, but six months later no one can remember the deployment process any more.
This presentation was a really quick introduction to the tools you can use to get more app dependencies into source control.